219 Funny Cat Names That Are Just Hilarious (Boy and Girl)
The inspiration for funny cat names is endless, all you have to do is to switch on your creative side.
Observe your cat for specific traits, or even come up with names based on their coat color, and give them a little twist.
Funny names stand out from the rest and make people laugh, they are unpredictable, silly, and some are even intelligent. A cat with a big personality and goofy behavior makes you laugh and brings joy to your life deserves a funny cat name.
You could also be just a fun loving person looking to have a bit of fun at the expense of your cat (not that they could care less!).

Play Around with Words
You can come up with so many names by simply moving around letters in other names. Here are a few examples to inspire you to come up with more.
- Catillac.
- Catsup.
- Cat Sajak.
- Catpernicus.
- Fish Bait.
- Fidel Catstro.
- Frank Lloyd Bite.
- Kittles.
- Leopardo DeCatrio.
- Meowses (Moses).
- Paw Revere.
- Santa Claws.
Funny Cat Names Based on Breed
Cat breeds are characterized by differences in physical appearance, coat color and also personalities. Based on these differences, you can come up with many funny names.
These beautiful kitties have thick fluffy coats, a funny and squished face, a flowing coat and a calm personality. This puss definitely deserves a name that suits its character and the glamorous physical appearance.
The names include:
- Cat-titude.
- Catpernicus.
- Catacomb.
- Catsup.
- Dalai Clawma.
- Demi Meower.
- Fuzz Aldrin.
- Heidi.
- Jaspurr.
- Leornado DeFuzzy.
- Puma Thurman.
- Veronicat.
These cats have ocean blue eyes, high pitched meow and are enigmatic. They are also very elegant with seal point coloration. They also have long and wedged shaped head, large ears, almond shaped eyes and long tail, legs, and neck.
Here are some of the names you can give this breed:
- Buddha.
- Catalie Portman.
- Chairman Meow.
- Catmando.
- Empress.
- Genghis Cat.
- Katbuki.
- Leopard Nimoy.
- Luke Skywhisker.
- Pad Thai.
- Purrsnickity.
Many cat owners love giving their kitties names that start with S. Check out our unique CATegorized list of cat names starting with the letter S |
Names Based on Color
Cats come in all sorts of colors – orange, white, black, grey, bicolor you name it. The color of your kitty’s coat can tell you a thing or two about its personality.
So when naming your cat, you can name it simply based on the color or the personality related to the color of its coat.
Tabby Cats
Tabby cats are known for their intelligence, friendly, sassy, great companionship and affectionate personalities. Their personality can be attributed to the coat color. For example, red tabbies can be feisty and bossy.
If you’ve got yourself a beautiful tabby cat and looking for a funny cat name, consider naming her based on its coat color and personality.
- Barfolomeow.
- Burger.
- Colin Furrth.
- Gigabyte.
- Monet.
- Megabyte.
- Paul McCatney.
- Paw Newman
- Puddy Cat.
- Purrito.
- Shushi.
- Yeti.
Have you got yourself an independent, stubborn, temperamental but fun-loving calico who likes being pampered?
If you do, why not find a funny and witty name that suits him/her? Here are a few suggestions.
- Abbie Dabble Doo.
- Dot-Dot.
- Chewbacca.
- Caterpillar.
- Tempurra.
- Jelly Bean.
- Donald Tramp.
- Cat Winslett.
- David Meowie.
- Avalanche.
- Alaska.
- Chowder.
- Cool Whip.
- Cotton Ball.
- Ice Ice Baby.
- Miraclaw.
- Snow Storm.
- Snow White.
- Sir Coconut.
- Q-tip.
- Twinkletoes.
- Vodka.
- Butterscotch.
- Cinnamon.
- Flame.
- Ginger.
- Henry Hissinger.
- Lemon Snicket.
- Nacho.
- O.J.
- Pawsanova.
- Pico De Gato.
- Puss N Boots.
- Ron Fleasly.
- Black Cat Scat.
- Bo Jangles.
- Eight Ball.
- Morticia.
- Phantom
- Raven.
- Shady Lady.
- Warlock.
199 Names For Your Crazy & Mischievous Black Kitty Cat – Check Them Out!
Funny Female Cat Names
- Angelicat.
- Alli McClaw.
- Cat Benatar.
- Cat middleton.
- Catalie Portman.
- Catsy Cline.
- Cotillion.
- Chairwoman Meow.
- Cindy clawford.
- Chiquita.
- Chi-chi.
- Demi Meower.
- Empuress.
- Flufferton.
- Fleas Witherspoon.
- Fur-gie.
- Halley Purry.
- Hello Kitty.
- Issabellick.
- Jessicat.
- Jennifurr.
- Katty Purry.
- Kitty Poppins.
- Ladybug.
- Lambchop.
- Luis-ker.
- Madam X.
- Margaret Scratcher.
- Meowly Cryrus.
- Miss Thang.
- Pawdry Hepburn.
- Puffins.
- Puma Thurman.
- Oprah Whisker.
- Samantail.
- Sofurrya.
- She-ra.
- Tabbytha.
- Tootsie.
- Tinkerbell.
Is your new kitty a cute little girl? Check out our list of over 200 cute and unique female cat names
Funny Male Cat Names
- Balzac.
- Bat Catson.
- Bill Clawsby.
- Bob Meowerly.
- Brad Kitt.
- Butch Casidy.
- Cameow.
- Captain Americat
- Cat Sajak.
- Catrick Stewart.
- Catrick Swayze.
- Crookshanks.
- Cat Damon.
- Copy Cat.
- Dalai Clawma.
- David Meowie.
- Donatello.
- Domesticat.
- Doonesbury.
- Doughboy.
- Fuzzinator.
- Gollum.
- Hairy Potter.
- Heathcliff.
- He-man.
- Homer Simpson.
- Itchy.
- Jean Luc Picat.
- lucifurr
- Luke Skywhisker.
- Megatron.
- Miao Zedong.
- Michelangelick.
- Miraclaw.
- Mr. Bigglesworth.
- Mr. Meowgi.
- Oedipuss.
- Picatso.
- Ravenclaw.
- Rene Decat.
- Shakespurr.
- Shrek.
- Tupac Shakat.
- Zorro.
Unisex Names
- Americat.
- Bubble-O-Seven.
- Cameow.
- Catabunga.
- Catagonia.
- Catserole.
- Catatonic.
- Catattack.
- Cue Ball.
- Ewok.
- Felinier.
- Felineup.
- Flizzard.
- Fuzzinator.
- Galacticat.
- Giggles.
- Gonzo.
- Hippie.
- Icat.
- Itchy.
- Jinkies.
- Just kittin.
- Kit-teacup.
- Kittin Around.
- Kittles.
- Lickers.
- Meowsical.
- Mexicat.
- Octopuss.
- Ping Pong.
- Poindexter.
- Pole Cat.
- Polka dot.
- Puggles.
- Purrgatory.
- Purssons.
- Purrkins.
- Quiggles.
- Schrodinger.
- Spaz.
- Tiddybombom.
- Terabyte.
- Tweedledee.
- tweedledum
- Wigglebutt.
- Winky.
- Zombie.
Need More Name Ideas?